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Do You Have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

Mental Health 1200With mental health being the leading cause of short and long term absenteeism in the work place, do you have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?  Do you understand what an EAP is?

According to Benefits Canada‘s article, the number one health issue that prevents people from showing up at work is mental health, followed by musculoskeletal and respiratory illnesses, such as colds.

An EAP can assist an employee and their family with several different concerns.  I have had clients mention to me that the EAP has helped them with:

  • finding a good daycare for their children by supplying them with a list of credited daycares in their area and questions that they might want to ask;
  • helping a family deal with a troubled teenager, they went to a counselor and the EAP sent them videos and books;
  • assisting an employee who was trying to take himself off of opioids;
  • working with the employer who has a troubled employee, dealing with absenteeism or bullying in the work place.

For the cost for an EAP can be a little as $3.67 per month per employee. The plan can help protect your employees and their families from mental health.  The only thing is it needs to be promoted in the work place on a regular basis.  The clients who work to ensure their employees know about the plan and have access to it seem to be the most successful.

For more information on Employee Assistance Programs, contact Glendinning Insurance Services, your Resource Specialist.

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