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Did You Know RBC Insurance Has a Pain App?

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I want to apologize to my readers that I did not publish an article last week.  I planned for 3 weeks of articles while I was away, and forgot I arrived home on Saturday evening, and a another article was due on Monday.  Even though I work on my vacations, Carrigan ensures that my time working is a little as possible.  I am so thankful for her assistance.

If you have a disability benefit through your Employee Benefit Program, the Insurance Company normally is in the business of assessing the claim, approving or declining the claim.  RBC Insurance is changing that landscape. If you read my Blog on January 13, 2018 it talked about their:

  • Onward Program that assists employees with Mental Health and
  • Medical Confidence that assists employees to find available times for tests, treatments, etc in our Canadian system.

RBC Insurance is doing it again.  They have launched a pilot project, currently only available in Ontario for people in Chronic Pain.  The New Program will help members and their doctors better manage members pain and optimize treatment.  Chronic Pain is one of the leading causes of Long-Term Disability claims.

In my Blog posted on October 28, 2018, Who is a Good Candidate for Medical Cannibas?,   Dr. Ruslan Dorfman from geneyouin, also called Pillcheck, provided me with an article that spoke about the extremely complex nature of Chronic Pain.  I am glad to see that RBC Insurance has put together an app that will provide better access to members dealing with pain and their doctors.

If you haven’t looked into RBC Insurance as your Benefit Provider, contact Glendinning Insurance Services, your Resource Specialist.

Live a Life Worth Insuring!