
I find with Insurance that the majority of the stories people relay usually have a negative connotation towards the Insurance Company. My experience, which is vast, is that Insurance Companies are in the job to pay claims that should be paid according to the contract wording. The confusion can come into play when the average person does not understand the contract wording, and this is where your Resource Specialist (aka Insurance Broker) comes into play.

I recently had a claim that the Insurance Company paid in “Good Faith”. Neither the Doctor or the Hospital provided the Insurance Company with all the required information and said they would release it to them at a later date. They found out when a second claim was filed that the first claim never should have been paid. This is the first time I have ever heard of a Doctor or Hospital not releasing all the medical information in a timely manner. Next time you are awaiting a decision on a claim, please ensure that the Insurance Company has been provided with all of the facts. I can imagine, that the next claim that comes in when information has been withheld, the Insurance Company will think twice before paying it in “Good Faith”.

If there is information on a claim, it is always appreciated if someone contacts the Insurance Company to share it.  Don’t be the underwriter, let them do their job.

If we change the way we look at Insurance Companies and how we treat them, will they change the way they do business?

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