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How is Manulife’s Wellness App Different?

Photo by Gustavo Torres on Unsplash

Most of my clients have a very clear understanding that a Healthy Employee usually correlates to a Happy and Productive Employee.  The hard part is how do you engage employees?

Manulife has launched a new Wellness App.  I know what you are thinking, isn’t there enough on the internet already? Aren’t employees inundated with information on Diet and Exercise?  How will another app help?

Benefits Canada has explained how Manulife‘s Wellness App, called Vitality, is different.

The Vitality program, which connects with wearable devices, including smartwatches, fitness bracelets and smartphones, is designed to encourage users to make healthy choices and rewards them with gift cards when they hit milestones.”

“To use the app, a user completes a review that covers all major health risks and then receives an “age” based on their lifestyle. Users can take nutritional assessments, as well as mental well-being assessments that cover mental stressors and psychological and social well-being. Every Monday, the app sets a weekly goal for users to work towards, personalized to their own level of fitness.”

At the end of the day, we all need to get off the couch and move, no one can do it for us.  If it helps one person make a change in their lifestyle for the better, than I applaud Manulife for coming up with this app.

Contact Glendinning Insurance Services to find out more detail on Manulife’s Vitality app, also available in their Individual Life Insurance Product.

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