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Being Thankful For Being a Canadian


No, this post has nothing to do with Donald Trump.  I would like to say thank you for the programs that the Canadian government has put into place that assist our families.

New York Just Passed America’s Best Paid Family Leave Law.  The new policy will phase in gradually. Beginning Jan. 1, 2018, workers can get up to eight weeks off, at 50 percent of their weekly pay — to a maximum of about $630, which is half of the average weekly pay in the state. By 2021, they’ll be able to get the full 12 weeks at two-thirds pay, as long as they have worked for their employer for at least six months.

As an employer do you understand the Maternity Leave of Absence and the requirements?  Did you know that if an employee wants to remain on your benefit program during a maternity leave, the employer is responsible for their share of the premium?

Canadian Human Rights Commission has created a handbook called, Pregnancy and Human Rights In the Workplace A Guide for Employers.  I recommend that you review this handbook and ensure that your company policy and procedures match.

Please contact me to review your companies Maternity Leave of Absence policy and procedures.

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