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Do the Rings Have Power?


I would like to give credit to my friend David Wolf, better known as Lobo, for this photo.

Confession time, I bought an Apple Watch a couple weeks ago.  I know that it can help me in business, by staying more connected.  However, the catalyst for me to purchase the watch was because it connected with my WOO device.  What is a WOO device, it goes on my Carve Board that I use for kiting and it tells me how high I jump.  Until recently, you had to download the session onto your phone after I came off the water and then discover your height, now I can get direct feedback.  Pamela, what does this have to do with the rings?

Some of my clients have bought fit bits for the employees who are interested in getting active.  Since I am already active I thought this was a good idea for people who are sedentary.  I am surprised by how motivated I am to make sure I close the rings each day.

Several of my clients talk about trying to get their employees moving, I know a couple of my clients that have used this with great success.  They set up a little office Step Competition with a prize available to the person who moves the most.  Healthy employees are engaged employees.

Even though I’m not a couch potato it has me moving more than I use to… my Mom will say with that spare minute I had… lol

Get outside and enjoy this beautiful country we live in and close those rings.


Contact me if you would like more information on how to better engage your employees.

Glendinning Insurance Services, your Resource Specialist

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