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Are We Playing From a New Rule Book?

I don’t know about you but I am reeling from all that is going on right now.  From all the changes that people are going through to open up their businesses to the world situation.

Can I take a minute and talk about my Insurance World?  A couple months ago the Insurance Companies reacted to the Covid situation.  Anyone who has worked in the insurance world knows that Insurance Companies don’t react, they take their time and respond.  This situation did not allow that to happen.

In saying this, I would like to take a moment and thank the Insurance Companies for all the behind the scenes negotiations and work they have done to defer premiums while still paying claims.

Has there been a couple mistakes made in this reaction, yes.  Like all of us, the Insurance Companies are trying to rewrite the playbook.  I would like to thank my clients for bringing any situations to our attention, we are happy to work with you.

As our world opens up, stay safe and contact Glendinning Insurance Services if we can help you navigate through the New Rule Book.

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