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Is Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit Being Extended?

One thing we can count on is change.  Here we go again…

Changes made over the past couple years that Employers are paying for:

  1. MSP Premiums for Employees;
  2. Extremely complicated Sick Days for Employees; and
  3. Now the Government wants to extend Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit from 17 weeks to 26 weeks.

Sun Life has advised us on the new Legislative Changes to Employment Insurance.  As in every situation, there are legitimate claims. Thank goodness for this safety net.  Yet, the perception seems to be an Employee receives a Doctor’s note and EI accepts the claim. Are there any ramifications if an employee doesn’t go to treatment?  The research supports the sooner an Employee receives assistance with their claim the easier it is to work with them to get them back to work.

The positive note is that we will be able to extend the Elimination Period the Long Term Disability benefits.  However, this could harm employees.  Since most Employee Benefit Programs are set up so the employees receive a tax-free benefit.  They also insure the Employee’s full income, unlike Employment Insurance.

If you want to work with a Broker who is on top of the changes that affects both the Employer and your Employees, contact Glendinning Insurance Services (250) 764-0142.

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